1 June, 2021
Posted in Press
1 February, 2018 Consulting House

Interview with Nicole Eifler, co-author of the book “Coaching: ir mais longe cá dentro”

Nicole Eifler, Partner at Consulting House, is one of the authors of the book “Coaching: ir mais longe cá dentro” launched on May 17th to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the International Coach Federation – ICF in Portugal.

Consulting House (CH): How would you describe these10 years of the ICF in Portugal?

Nicole Eifler (NE): ICF Portugal is a community that in the last 10 years has grown in different ways. It has grown in membership numbers but it has also developed the level and depth of its content. Nowadays it is a very active community that demands an active participation from the member coaches. As I see it, it has become a very developed community even at an international level. Proof of that is this book we wrote together.

CH: What has been your experience as a professional coach in Portugal? What are the differences between being a coach in Portugal and abroad?

NE: The differences are not that great. People look for coaching to find an answer to a current situation they want/need to solve. While in Portugal many of the coachees embark more on a true journey of self-discovery, abroad the focus might be more on finding the solution. From my experience I see the Portuguese in general as well informed and interested in self-development and that is also shown in the coaching process.

CH: You are one of the 24 professional coaches taking part in this commemorative book. Tell us a little of what you share in your chapter.

NE: I took advantage of this opportunity to address a theme that touches me personally – Women in Leadership. In my chapter I share some insights from my coaching experience with women in leadership positions. It is a very relevant topic for business in Portugal since the percentage of women in middle levels of management in Portugal is one of the highest in Europe and at the same time the representation of women in high levels of management is one of the lowest. In my chapter I share some of the challenges women in leadership face and how a coaching process can support them – It’s worth reading!

CH: Besides being a book that marks a decade of ICF in Portugal, what else can readers expect from this book?

NE: I would say that it is a handbook full of experiences, tips and best practices that ICF coaches share, answering questions that people may have about coaching.

CH: Thank you Nicole.


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